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  Meet the Author and their Products
Cjpg West MTS, Christopher
Christopher West is a renowned speaker, writer, and authority on the late Pope John Paul II's groundbreaking "Theology of the Body." Christopher is a graduate of the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family and a visiting professor at the Institute’s Melbourne, Australia campus. Formerly Director of the Office of Marriage and Family Life for the Archdiocese of Denver, he currently serves as faculty for sexual ethics at the Institute for Priestly Formation at Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska, he is also the Theology of the Body Staff Advisor for the GIFT Foundation. His books and CDs have been distributed around the globe. He lives near Lancaster, Pennsylvania with his wife and their two sons and daughter.
For more information contact:
Theology of the Body Institute
Telephone: (610) 696-7795, ext. 206

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Christopher West takes dozens of questions on human sexuality and brings them to the truth of Catholic Sexual Teaching.


The basic human questions: Why are we here, what does our life mean, how can I get the best out of life.
Good News about Sex & Marriage
John Paul II's Theology of the Body
God, Sex and the Meaning of Life
Price: $13.99

Price: $2.00

Price: $14.95

Christopher West digs deep into Pope John Paul II's Theology of the Body and into the connection between marriage and the Eucharist.

Notes that woman’s true greatness lies in her ability to bring new life into the world

In these talks Christopher West demonstrates how all the “tough issues” of Catholic teaching on marriage and sexuality can be proclaimed in a way that not only makes sense, but demonstrates the beauty of God’s plan for sexuality and the joy of living it. A must-have presentation for every priest looking to explain and defend the Church’s teaching on marriage and sexuality in a compelling way.
And the Two Become One
Woman: God's Masterpiece (2 CD set)
Proclaiming The Theology of the Body (4 CDs)
Price: $9.95

Price: $14.95

Price: $29.95

Christopher West illuminates love’s two dimensions—eros (human) and agape (divine), using key passages from Benedict XVI’s first encyclical, God Is Love. He helps us appreciate the interplay, distinctiveness, and relationship of these dimensions of love. West succeeds as probably no other author could in marrying John Paul II’s Theology of the Body with Benedict’s God Is Love. This is one of those rare books that makes you wish the end would not come so soon.

Chris West gives an overview of John Paul II's Theology of the Body, a groundbreaking synthesis of Scripture with modern understanding of the human person and human sexuality.

A great presentation of the basics of John Paul II's Theology of the Body.
The Love That Satisfies
John Paul II's Theology of the Body (mp3)
An Introduction to the Theology of the Body, Discovering the Master Plan for Your Life
Price: $19.95

Price: $1.00
[this product is electronically distributed]

Price: $132.85
 Product options:

 The Theology of the Body is a Biblical message that is intended for all Christians. This teaching, originally presented by John Paul II, draws on over 1000 scripture versus concerning God’s original plan for marriage & sexuality, and how an understanding of this plan gives meaning to our lives. In this talk given at an Evangelical church, Theology of the Body expert Christopher West delivers this life-changing message to an enthusiastic Protestant audience. Catholics and Protestants alike will benefit from this teaching as we strive to live out God’s plan for our lives

The Truth About "Same-Sex Marriage"

Leader's guide for the Into the Heart series on the Theology of the Body.
Theology of the Body: A Bold, biblical response to the Sexual Revolution (CD
The Truth About "Same-Sex Marriage"
Into the Heart Leader's Guide
Price: $9.95

Price: $14.95

Price: $24.95

Study guide for the Into the Heart series on the Theology of the Body.

How to take the Theology of the Body  into our hearts and to let this interior transformation reshape our lives.

For those who understand the basics of the Theology of the Body and want to go further, Christopher shows how to take these teachings into our hearts and to let the interior transformation reshape our lives.
Into the Heart Student Workbook
Into the Heart: A Journey Through the Theology of the Body (8 DVDs)
Into the Heart: A Journey Through the Theology of the Body
Price: $19.95

Price: $159.95
 Product options:

Price: $199.95

Purity is not Puritanism, nor is it prudishness. Christian purity is the ability to see the mystery of God revealed through the body and sexuality. Purity of heart is the key to human happiness and brings true sexual liberation.

Virtually every man has a life-long struggle to overcome lust and replace it with real, practical love. Christopher West here shares his own experiences with this fight and provides a wonderful set of tools for winning this battle.

A detailed and helpful study aids for the four talks: Theology of the Body: Discovering the Master Plan for Your Life. Contains an extended summary and discussion questions for each talk. On 4 DVD's, includes Student Workbook and Leader's Guide.
Purity in an Impure Age
Winning the Battle for Sexual Purity
An Introduction to the Theology of the Body Bundle
Price: $24.95

Price: $24.95

Price: $99.00