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Building the Civilization of Love

Culture of Love family.png · Books
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The Civilization of Love means a society of people committed to achieving what is good for each other. This section contains key resources for laying its foundation.

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Este es el manual de la LPP que explica cόmo utilizar el Método Sintotérmico de  PNF. Esta nueva edición está hecha en un formato de letra grande que resulta más fácil de leer y entender. Contiene información ampliada sobre la lactancia ecológica y el regreso de la fertilidad después del parto. Incluye el Manual de Aplicaciones Prácticas.
320 páginas

A well-written, hard to put down novel about one woman's journey toward discovering the beauty of God's plan for love, marriage, and children.

A new critical translation of Pope John Paul II’s great work on the Theology of the Body, complete with a new introduction and new footnotes.
El Arte de la Planificacion Natural de la Familia
Emily's Hope
Man and Woman He Created Them, Theology of the Body
Price: $50.00

Price: $14.99

Price: $29.95

Teachings from John Paul II, Edith Stein, Archbishop Charles Chaput, and others communicate effectively with post-abortive women and others who have been harmed by the culture of death.

Often lighthearted, always thought provoking lyrics describe the details of our modern lives and enkindle hope in new beginnings. Outstanding Nashville musicians cradle Marie's voice in a light mixture of bluegrass, jazz and folk as she reminds us of our capacity to love. A New Springtime is dedicated to John Paul II and the new springtime he foretold.

Los obispos de los E.E.U.U. explican cómo es el plan de Dios para el amor matrimonial, " es más rico y más satisfactorio" que el enfoque general tomado por nuestra cultura.
A Practical Application of JP II's Theoloy of the Body (DVD)
A New Springtime
El amor matrimonial
Price: $19.95

Price: $5.00

Price: $2.00

The story of St Gianna Berretta Molla, a modern-day wife, mother, and physician, who fully engaged her faith in her medical practice. In 1962 she faced the agonizing choice between saving her own life and that of her unborn child, and chose to save her child. She is a wonderful reminder that saints still walk among us.

A companion volume for The Squire and the Scroll. Drawing on their rich Evangelical Christian heritage, the authors present 21 "life lessons" taken from the story.

The National Gianna Center for Women's Health &  Fertility with offices in New Brunswick (Dr Kyle Beiter) and Manhattan (Dr Anne Nolte), is dedicated to providing a more natural alternative to assisted reproductive technologies. The Creighton Model FertilityCare™ System is used to monitor a woman’s menstrual and fertility cycle. Based on research that began from collaboration between women and their physicians, the system has grown into a national and international allied healthcare model to provide comprehensive gynecologic primary care and to unmask the true cause of infertility for women.
No Greater Love
Life Lessons from Squire and the Scroll
Alternatives to IVF Treatments
Price: $3.95

Price: $10.49

Price: $5.00

If You Really Loved Me

This book not only provides answers to many questions troubling Catholics, it also supplies fundamental principles of Catholic thought to help readers arrive at morally sound decisions in those areas that have yet to be settled.

 The Theology of the Body is a Biblical message that is intended for all Christians. This teaching, originally presented by John Paul II, draws on over 1000 scripture versus concerning God’s original plan for marriage & sexuality, and how an understanding of this plan gives meaning to our lives. In this talk given at an Evangelical church, Theology of the Body expert Christopher West delivers this life-changing message to an enthusiastic Protestant audience. Catholics and Protestants alike will benefit from this teaching as we strive to live out God’s plan for our lives
If You Really Loved Me
Life Issues, Medical Choices
Theology of the Body: A Bold, biblical response to the Sexual Revolution (CD
Price: $13.95

Price: $14.95

Price: $9.95

Is human life valuable? You know the answer, but can you explain why?

Christian purity? More than likely, it is not what you think. Purity is not Puritanism. Nor is it prudishness. Christian purity is the ability to see the mystery of God revealed through the body and sexuality.

Hockey-playing Catholic Bishop Thomas John Paprocki has a message for teens and young adults: athletics and fitness training are a daily way to connect with God and faith.  A great book for athletes, teenagers. pastoral and youth ministry..
Why Human Life Is So Highly Valued
Purity in an Impure Age
Holy Goals, for Body and Soul: 8 Steps to Connect Sports with God & Faith
Price: $5.95

Price: $14.95
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Price: $13.95

Birthing and raising 14 children (not including 5 already with the Lord) sounds almost easy when Jim and Kathleen share “anecdotes and a philosophy of life from a family of sixteen” in this wonderful book. They spell out for us the great rewards and the challenges of large family living, and they urge “the reader to reevaluate the possibility of having another child [and to be] open to God’s will, with a supernatural, faith-filled perspective. . . .There is a great feeling of freedom and peace that one experiences when one steps out in love and trust in our infinitely loving God.” You’ll want to read this book all in one sitting.

12 beautiful and powerful 30 minute sessions originally aired on EWTN by Jason and Crystalina Evert covering almost every aspect of living the pure life you can imagine!.

Christopher West illuminates love’s two dimensions—eros (human) and agape (divine), using key passages from Benedict XVI’s first encyclical, God Is Love. He helps us appreciate the interplay, distinctiveness, and relationship of these dimensions of love. West succeeds as probably no other author could in marrying John Paul II’s Theology of the Body with Benedict’s God Is Love. This is one of those rare books that makes you wish the end would not come so soon.
Better by the Dozen, Plus Two
The Pure Life
The Love That Satisfies
Price: $24.95

Price: $39.95

Price: $19.95

Pages:    1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10     Range: