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Books that promote building a Civilization of Love, a society of people committed to achieve what is good for each other.

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Reflections on the spirituality and practice of breastfeeding.

Married persons live longer, have less physical and mental health problems, have higher incomes, and accumulate more wealth than their unmarried counterparts. They experience many other benefits.

Christopher West illuminates love’s two dimensions—eros (human) and agape (divine), using key passages from Benedict XVI’s first encyclical, God Is Love. He helps us appreciate the interplay, distinctiveness, and relationship of these dimensions of love. West succeeds as probably no other author could in marrying John Paul II’s Theology of the Body with Benedict’s God Is Love. This is one of those rare books that makes you wish the end would not come so soon.
Breastfeeding and Catholic Motherhood
The Case for Marriage
The Love That Satisfies
Price: $10.95

Price: $15.95

Price: $19.95

This wonderful biography on St Gianna tells her life's story, from her childhood, through her professional and family life, and up until the giving of her life for her child. Much of the book is in the form of an interview with Gianna's husband Pietro, and it also includes a section entitled "Gianna's Virtues," the testimony of Pietro for the process of his wife's beatification.

Esta exhortación apostólica proporciona el mapa para el matrimonio y la vida familiar cristianos en sus dimensiones moral, espiritual y evangélica. Da las estrategias detalladas para que las familias  logren su gran destino como la fuente de la civilización verdadera, la Civilización del Amor.

Mucho daño ha sido hecho por la falsa creencia de un conflicto entre la ciencia y la religión, entre la fe y la razón. En este trabajo Juan Pablo II resuelve este asunto.
Saint Gianna Molla
La familia cristiana en el mundo moderno (Familiaris Consortio)
Carta enciclica Fe y razon (Fides et Ratio)
Price: $11.95

Price: $4.95

Price: $3.95

Nuestra cultura moderna ha perdido totalmente las bases de la moralidad. Juan Pablo II expone con una claridad maravillosa cómo nosotros podemos conocer la verdad y seguirla.

Birthing and raising 14 children (not including 5 already with the Lord) sounds almost easy when Jim and Kathleen share “anecdotes and a philosophy of life from a family of sixteen” in this wonderful book. They spell out for us the great rewards and the challenges of large family living, and they urge “the reader to reevaluate the possibility of having another child [and to be] open to God’s will, with a supernatural, faith-filled perspective. . . .There is a great feeling of freedom and peace that one experiences when one steps out in love and trust in our infinitely loving God.” You’ll want to read this book all in one sitting.

La profética  encíclica de 1968 que llamó a la Iglesia para vivir la visión completa de Dios para la vida familiar.
Esplendor de la verdad: carta enciclica de Juan Pablo II (Veritatis Splendor)
Better by the Dozen, Plus Two
Humanae Vitae
Price: $3.95

Price: $24.95

Price: $2.95

A well-written, hard to put down novel about one woman's journey toward discovering the beauty of God's plan for love, marriage, and children.

Wonderful tools to help a couple achieve what the author calls "infallible loving," and the tremendous benefits of married love as it was meant to be.

A How-To guide for reading the original audiences of John Paul II's Theology of the Body.
Emily's Hope
Holy Sex! A Catholic Guide to Toe-Curling, Mind-Blowing, Infallible Loving
The Body Reveals God
Price: $14.99

Price: $19.95

Price: $15.00

Leader's guide for the Into the Heart series on the Theology of the Body.

Study guide for the Into the Heart series on the Theology of the Body.

A wonderful compilation of St Josemaria Escriva's teaching on the glory and holiness of marriage,
Into the Heart Leader's Guide
Into the Heart Student Workbook
Sexuality and Sanctity, The Christian Doctrine on Sex
Price: $24.95

Price: $19.95

Price: $9.95

The main textbook for the "Daughters Forever, Sons Forever" home study program on human sexual issues.

A version of Donum Vitae (the Vatican statement on the rights and dignity of newly conceived humans). The authors discuss numerous reproductive issues: in vitro fertilization, cloning, use of embryonic stem cells, embryo adoption, and much more.

Daughters Forever Sons Forever textbook
The Dignity of a Person (Dignitatis Personae)
Freedom: 12 Lives Transformed by the Theology of the Body
Price: $19.95

Price: $5.95

Price: $13.99

Pages:    1   2   3   4     Range: